Thursday, February 5, 2009

And the winner is...

A huge thanks to everyone who participated and voted in the Supercalifrajalistic Photograph of 2008 Contest. I heard through the grapevine moms were getting a little competitive out there with printed fliers and their own blog pleas for votes. Hopefully, everyone had a good time with it. Now it is time to announce the winner. (drum roll, please) The winner is#14, the adorable little girl skipping down the lane. I have added a picture of her from the front so you can really see how cute she is. Congrats.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Let your spirit shine

I recently met and later photographed this family. Lots of energy, lots of fun, but most of all I was geniunely touched by their spirit. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Supercalifrajalistic Photograph of 2008 Contest

I am still trying to get a handle on this blogging thing, but here we go. To launch my new blog, I am holding a Supercalifrajalistic Photograph of 2008 Contest. The winning family will receive a complimentary session in 2009 along with $300.00 in photographs. So if you see a friend's child, cast a vote for them. You can vote by sending a comment through the blog or an email through my website. The contest will last through the end of January. A special thanks to all of my clients in 2008 who made it such a fun year for me.

As an aside, I have to say that this was extremely difficult to decide which sessions and specifically which images to place in the contest. I am still have some anxiety over it, but this means the blog will be incredible. I always give my clients lots of images from their session, and both of us usually have numerous ones that we absolutely love. That means I have lots and lots of images on my computer which I adore, but don't have enough room on my website to place. Now the blog can help showcase some of my favorite images from the sessions.

Here are the images for the contest:


















Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wow! I am finally entering the 21st century and starting a blog. This should be interesting and fun for all. I plan to post some images from my sessions, but want to launch the blog with a Coolest Photograph of 2008 Contest. Details to follow.

A huge Happy New Year to my clients. I am so thankful to have each of you in my life. I feel like a make a new set of friends with each session. I wish you all the best in 2009. Amy